Online Q&As: choose your future master's now!

Choosing a master's programme is not always easy. So, we are answering all your questions regarding our programme and tracks during several monthly Q&As.
The Master Digital Design welcomes two learning tracks (areas of expertise):
- Interaction Design
- Digital Fashion Technology
Each track is hosting online Q&As for you to learn more about our programmes and ask those burning questions getting in the way of your successful application.
You may register for more than one Q&A. All Q&As are in English.
Check out the dates and registration links for each track below:
- Online Q&A Interaction Design
- 16 December, 24 January, 14 February, 11 March (part of AUAS-wide Online Open Day), 15 April
- Online Q&A Digital Fashion Technology
- 12 December, 9 January, 13 February, 11 March (part of AUAS-wide Online Open Day), 4 April